by Krissy | Apr 23, 2017 | Daily Devotions, Hearing God's Voice
Driving down the road I pondered my life and the many exciting, and somewhat scary, adventures ahead. Woven throughout the narrative the Lord was speaking and unveiling I could feel worry and doubt begin creeping in. The more I entertained the thoughts of doubt I...
by Krissy | Apr 9, 2017 | Daily Devotions
I had just written a text to my mom to thank her for something she had done to help me with my son. What I intended to write was this, “It’s been a massive ‘help’ so far!“ but my phone auto corrected the word help and instead of a “p” put “L” so suddenly the text...
by Krissy | Apr 2, 2017 | Daily Devotions, Trusting God
The road was smooth beneath my feet as I jogged the other morning. The sun was at a perfect position in the sky where it wasn’t too hot. There was this refreshing spring breeze that I occasionally caught as I turned certain corners weaving throughout my neighborhood....