“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” —Isaiah 53:5 NIV

When I think about the cross I can’t help but smile. My heart is filled with warmth as a chill runs through my body.

What a powerful demonstration of love the cross is!

I’ll never forget the night I had a revelation of just what the cross means to me personally. The night the cross moved from a powerful statement of love to my personal testimony of His goodness for me in my life. The night the cross became real to me.

I was driving home one dark evening. I was a young mom and was preparing for a conference for my ministry. It was a conference just for moms and I could feel the Holy Spirit stirring in me to plan the conference around the cross. Initially I thought, “Sure! No problem Lord! It’s all about the cross!” But the more I pondered the reality of the cross I realized something that shook me to my core—I had no idea what the cross was really about! I knew the big picture of what Jesus did on the cross, but somehow I couldn’t pinpoint a personal connection… it hadn’t become real for me yet.

For days I had been seeking the Lord asking for a personal revelation about the cross… “What does the cross mean to me?” I would ask myself. “Show me Lord!” I would pray.

It was on this quiet evening driving home from a prayer meeting that I had the most profound, yet simple revelation about the truth of the cross. Navigating the familiar ride home I began to sort of zone out as the presence of God filled my car.

Suddenly, I saw the cross.

I saw Jesus on it. And then I saw me. Little me approaching the foot of the cross. In my hands I carried something. But what was it? I couldn’t see… I watched as I made my way to the base of the cross. With arms now extended I could see as I leaned down to place what I carried at the feet of my King. Watching as the me in the vision backed slowly away from what was left at His feet I was now able to see—it was a pile of chains!

There at the foot of the cross sat my guilt. My shame. My loneliness. Brokenness. Fear. Anxiety. Everything that had ever held me captive in my life…

As I left it there at His feet I looked up and realized what I had allowed to shackel me was the very thing He bore for me!

Something inside me broke! 

One by one I was able to see every burden. Every pain every heartache there at the feet of Jesus. As I identified each one I felt waves of peace crashing over me as I drove the quiet road home.

Yes. That is the night the cross became real for me.

The night I realized that Jesus died as me. He carried every wound. Every sin. Every heartbreak. Every ounce of shame that I would ever feel upon Himself that day 2000 years ago at Calvary.

The cross is a beautiful thing friend. I want to encourage you to take some time this Easter season to gaze longingly at the cross and allow it to become even more real for you. Allow it to become personal.

Ask yourself, “What does the cross mean to me personally?”

What have you been carrying on your shoulders that Jesus bore for you that day? Ask Him to show you. Have you been feeling heavy lately? Burdened? Broken? Are you hurting? Do you still carry shame and guilt as facets of your identity? Hey, I’ve been there for more years than I can count but I have good news for you friend—Jesus bore all of that for you, as you, at Calvary so that you can live an abundant life free from the chains of guilt, shame, hurt, chaos, burdens, and so much more… You can let it all go!

Bring all of that heaviness to the feet of Jesus today friend… tuck away in some quiet time and go there. See the cross. Allow it to become a place of freedom for you as you gaze at Jesus crucified. Permit your heart to break for Him so that once and for all you can be free from that which you have been carrying for so long.

As I’m writing I can literally see chains falling off of people right now!

I can see you rising up in the boldness of who you are in Christ as a child of God reaching out to those chains and ripping them from around you! There is courage on your face as you rise up! You have the authority to pull those heavy chains off right now! Do it friend! Allow yourself to rise up as the bold and courageous child of God by the blood of Jesus and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit!

I love you,


P.S. How can I be praying for you today?

Did you miss yesterday’s devotional “When You’re Unsure About Your Next Step”? Click HERE to read.