“I am leaving you with a gift–peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” —John 14:27 NLT
Have you ever had one of those days you just wish were over before it really even has a chance to begin? Some people call it “getting up on the wrong side of the bed”. Others blame it on a lack of coffee. Whatever it is, some days are just plan rough! Some days are a struggle just to get through. It seems on these days that one thing after another has gotten piled on you until you reach that proverbial breaking point. Literally counting the minutes until you can crawl back into bed and hit the reset button.
You need peace just to get through the day…
Believe me, I know this feeling! I have been there more times than I care to count. Its through these days that the Lord has taught me this very simple, yet valuable point. Its really life changing if you allow it to sink deep into your heart.
God has given you the ability to choose your attitude!
These days which are so hectic and chaotic for us actually offer a unique opportunity for us to give God one of the greatest gifts we can give Him… your will.
Your choice.
Its in these days when you can choose to believe the word of God and the truth of who He says you are. You can choose joy, instead of resentment, You can choose peace instead of chaos.
Joshua told the Israelites they had the opportunity to choose who they were going to serve (Josh. 24:15).
Each and every day I wake up I get to choose to love God. I can choose to live under His peace. I can choose to live in joy even when times are tough!
Yes, this is easier some days than others. But its on those days when everything seems to be falling apart when I can lift my eyes to the heavens and allow the Spirit of God that lives in me to give my mind a little pep talk of what Truth is in my situation. My inner dialog sounds a little something like this,
“Ok, Krissy… I know this is a bad day and things seem to be falling apart and discouragement is trying its best to take up residence in your heart. But here’s the Truth of the matter—you serve a God who is unchanging and has promised to give you a hope and a future (Jer. 29:11). He is the same God yesterday, today and tomorrow(Heb. 13:8)! He is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19). So choose to stand on Truth today! Choose joy! Choose peace! Choose to trust God in the midst of the storm!”
One of the greatest gifts you can give to God is to choose to love Him even when you can’t hear Him speaking! To choose peace regardless of your circumstance because you know that He goes before you and will never leave you (Deut. 31:8).
Knowing the truth is truly freeing because it gives us a firm foundation to stand on when everything else in the world seems a little shaky.
Things will get better. Kick the devil in the butt today by choosing to love God, serve God and live in the Joy of the LORD despite your circumstances! God is The God of the impossible… He is over it… He can breakthrough it… for nothing is impossible with God (Matt. 19:26)!
Jesus left us a gift of peace. Choose to receive it. It’s the only way to truly live friend. Trust God with your life today, and each day forward… He’s worth it!
I love you,
P.S. How can I be praying for you today?
Did you miss yesterday’s Video #DailyTruth “Trusting God—A Key to Overcoming Fear”? Click HERE to read it.