For as long as I can remember, I’ve yearned to feel part of something, to fit somewhere. Yet, I never really found that group where I could confidently say, “I fit here.” This journey, often marked by feelings of not fitting in, led me to grapple with insecurity about who I was.

The Struggle with Insecurity

Insecurity often stems from not feeling like we belong or are different in some way. It leads us to question our identity and worth. But what I’ve learned is that our uniqueness is not a flaw; it’s a divine gift. During my teenage years and various seasons of adulthood, this sense of not fitting in caused me considerable insecurity. “Why don’t I fit anywhere?” I would often ask God and later my husband. It seemed like there was something wrong with me.

Finding Confidence in God’s Unique Plan

But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized that my path has been unique, crafted by God Himself. Even when I felt I didn’t belong, I found solace in God’s unique plan for me. Embracing my path, different as it might be, allowed me to turn my insecurity into strength.

God’s View of Our Worth

There’s a significant power in the realization that God sees us differently than we see ourselves. He sees us as His treasured daughters, wonderfully created and loved beyond measure. Understanding this is crucial in overcoming feelings of insecurity. When we start seeing ourselves as God sees us, the walls of insecurity begin to crumble.

The Wall of Insecurity

Insecurity, rooted in fear – the fear that there is something wrong with us, can be debilitating. Our inner dialogue often exacerbates this, with thoughts like, “There must be something wrong with me.”

But, as we see in the story of Peter in the Bible, our journey in discovering who we are in Christ is transformative. Peter, who denied Jesus out of fear and insecurity, was later transformed by Jesus’s resurrection. His identity was reshaped, and he became a bold proclaimer of the gospel. This transformation is a testament to what can happen when our identity in Christ comes alive in us.

Believe What God Says About You

You are God’s chosen treasure, wonderfully created and precious in His sight. Declare over yourself, “I am God’s chosen treasure. I am loved by Jesus.” When we embrace our identity in Christ, the wall of insecurity shatters.

Moving Forward

Even though feelings of insecurity might still creep in, we have the tools to overcome them. The truth of God’s Word empowers us to silence the voice of the accuser and move forward, full of the joy of Jesus, bold and free.


Father, wrap me in Your presence today and speak into my life Your words of truth. I am listening. Show me who You say that I am.

As we navigate through our lives, let’s hold onto the truth of our identity in Christ. We can live free from the lie of “There must be something wrong with me” and step into our beautiful identity as unique, one-of-a-kind lovers of Jesus.

Embrace who He has made you to be, for in Him, we discover who we truly are – His daughters, born for a purpose, created for the impossible.